State machine introductionLink

State of an object can help you tracing any sort of progress while making sure you maintain the consistence of the state. For eg, you might want to track the status of a "blog post" in terms of "draft"/"edited"/"published" which pre-defined endpoints defining the flow of states.

Tracking the status of things is one of the most common operation in most business flows. Daptin has a native support for state tracking and allows a lot of convienent features.

Defining a state machineLink

Define a state machine in YAML or JSON as follows:

State machine description YAML

- Name: task_status
  Label: Task Status
  InitialState: to_be_done
  - Name: start
    Label: Start
    - to_be_done
    - delayed
    Dst: started
  - Name: delayed
    Label: Unable to pick up
    - to_be_done
    Dst: delayed
  - Name: ongoing
    Label: Record progress
    - started
    - ongoing
    Dst: ongoing
  - Name: interrupted
    Label: Interrupted
    - started
    - ongoing
    Dst: interrupted
  - Name: resume
    Label: Resume from interruption
    - interrupted
    Dst: ongoing
  - Name: completed
    Label: Mark as completed
    - ongoing
    - started
    Dst: completed

Using state machine descriptions with daptin expose couple of super useful apis to manage state based data.

Enabling task_status state machine on todo entity will expose the following APIs

POST /track/start/:stateMachineId {"typeName": "todo", "referenceId": "objectId"} # Start tracking a particular object by id

This returns a state machine id.

POST /track/event/:typename/:objectStateMachineId/:eventName {} # Trigger event on current state

This either moves the object state to next state, or fails on invalid event name.

State machineLink

A state machine is a description of "states" which the object can be in, and list of all valid transitions from one state to another. Let us begin with an example:

The following JSON defines a state machine which has (a hypothetical state machine for tracking todos):

  • Initial state: to_be_done
  • List of valid states: to_be_done, delayed, started, ongoing, interrupted, completed
  • List of valid transitions, giving name to each event
        "Name": "task_status",
        "Label": "Task Status",
        "InitialState": "to_be_done",
        "Events": [{
                "Name": "start",
                "Label": "Start",
                "Src": [
                "Dst": "started"
                "Name": "delayed",
                "Label": "Unable to pick up",
                "Src": [
                "Dst": "delayed"
                "Name": "ongoing",
                "Label": "Record progress",
                "Src": [
                "Dst": "ongoing"
                "Name": "interrupted",
                "Label": "Interrupted",
                "Src": [
                "Dst": "interrupted"
                "Name": "resume",
                "Label": "Resume from interruption",
                "Src": [
                "Dst": "ongoing"
                "Name": "completed",
                "Label": "Mark as completed",
                "Src": [
                "Dst": "completed"

State machines can be uploaded to Daptin just like entities and actions. A JSON/YAML file with a StateMachineDescriptions top level key can contain an array of state machine descriptions.


Start tracking an object by state machine reference idLink


    POST  /track/start/:stateMachineId
    {"typeName": <entityTypeName>, "referenceId": <ReferenceIdOfTheObject> }


        "current_state": <InitialStateOfTheStateMachine>
        "<typename>_smd": <ObjectStateInstanceReferenceId>
        "is_state_of_<typename>" = <ObjectInstanceId>
        "permission": <AuthPermission>

Trigger an event by name in the state of an objectLink

    POST  /track/event/:typename/:ObjectStateInstanceReferenceId/:eventName
        "current_state": <NewStateAfterEvent>
        "<typename>_smd": <ObjectStateInstanceReferenceId>
        "is_state_of_<typename>" = <ObjectInstanceId>

Enabling state tracking for entityLink

Begin with marking an entity as trackable. To do this,

  • go to the world tables page and edit the an entity

  • Check the "Is state tracking enabled" checkbox

This "is_state_tracking_enabled" options tells daptin to create the associated state table for the entity. Even though we have not yet specified which state machines are available for this entity.

To make a state machine available for an entity, go to the "SMD" tab of this entity on the same page and add the state machine by searching it by name and adding it.

It would not make a lot of sense if the above state machine was allowed for all type of entities.