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New User

Sign Up Action

Sign up is an action on user entity. Sign up takes four inputs:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Password
  • PasswordConfirm

When the user initiates a Sign up action, the following things happen

  • Check if guests can initiate sign in action
  • Check if guests can create a new user (create permission)
  • Create a new user row
  • Check if guests can create a new usergroup (create permission)
  • Create a new usergroup row
  • Associate the user to the usergroup (refer permission)

This means that every user has his own dedicated user group by default.

Curl Example

curl 'http://localhost:6336/action/user_account/signup' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
--data-raw '{"attributes":{"email":"","password":"password","name":"name","passwordConfirm":"password"}}'

Sign Up Action Permissions

First you need to fetch the available actions

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" 'http://localhost:6336/api/action' | python -m json.tool

More specifically you are looking for the signup action

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" 'http://localhost:6336/api/action?filter=signup' | python -m json.tool

Note the reference id of the signup action in the response, we need it to update its permission

curl 'http://localhost:6336/api/action/<reference_id>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data-raw '{"data":{"type":"action","attributes":{"permission":"2097057"},"id":"<reference_id>"},"meta":{}}'

Note that the `reference_id` is in two places there.

#### Permission

Disable for guests: 2097025
Enable for guests: 2097057

## New user from CRUD API

Users can be created by directly create an entry in the `user_account` table.

Creating a user manually
curl '/api/user_account' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer ' \ --data-binary '{ "data": { "type": "user_account", "attributes": { "email": "", "name": "test", "password": "password", } } }' ```